Free Labor Cost Calculator for Accurate Pricing
Simple. Accurate. Beautiful.
Labor Cost Calculator
Hourly Rate:
How It Works
Enter Salary and Costs
- Provide the combined hourly salary, direct hourly costs (e.g., wages, payroll taxes), and indirect hourly costs (e.g., benefits, overhead)
Set Your Profit Goals
- Specify your desired hourly profit to reflect your pricing strategy
Get Instant Results
- Click Calculate for a detailed breakdown of labor costs and profitability per hour
Understanding Your Results
Hourly Cost Breakdown
A clear division of direct, indirect, and total labor costs, helping you make informed decisions about pricing, resource allocation, and cost reduction
Profitability Insights
Understand how your desired hourly profit impacts overall pricing and margins, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your pricing strategy
Actionable Decisions
Use the insights provided to adjust pricing, reduce costs, or optimize resource allocation and make better business decisions